Cotse.Net - A Packetderm LLC Service

New Account Setup Form

  • Passwords must contain both letters and numbers and be a minimum of 8 characters and less than 128 characters.
  • All fields must contain entries
  • E-Mail Address: We will mail the payment and account setup confirmations to this address. Please also note that this is also where we will mail lost passwords, so it will be stored by us. No other mail will be sent here, all normal notices and such will go to your cotse account. You may provide a bogus address, however if you do you will not receive any confirmations and if you ever forget your password, you will be out of luck and unable to get access to your account.

Account name:
This will be used in your e-mail address.


Password (re-enter):

Your Current E-Mail Address:

A key word you'll provide if you lose your password:

In the event of lost passwords, the account holder is required to present the reset key word in order to have their account password reset and a new password sent to the e-mail address entered here only. The password reset keyword and e-mail fields are important, if you forget the password reset keyword, or mistype the e-mail address, and then forget your password, you may be locked out of your account and there will be nothing we can do for you.